It’s a massive week for music here in Canberra! We’ve got new tracks, EP’s and even an MTV premiere.
It’s a massive week for music here in Canberra! We’ve got new tracks, EP’s and even an MTV premiere. Here’s what's happening from your local news sauce.
Inside Australia’s first pill-testing clinic
Something the dance music and rave scene has been asking for for a long time is safe testing of recreational drugs. Now it has been made possible with CanTest.
Once laughed out of bars, will the new wave of 0% beer shift Australia's drinking culture?
Canberra born beer Heaps Normal has led the way in making non-alc options normal. Now other brands are following and in turn lifting the stigma around going extra light.
Behind the DR.STRICT x Mustard Flat Reconciliation Day takeover
As part of Reconciliation Day Mustard Flats invited Canberra artist Delilah Waugh aka dr.strict to takeover and design a piece for the flats.
First look at Canberra’s new live music venue
Mustard Flats got an exclusive sneak peek at the new Transit Bar opening on Jan 12.
Canberra’s best music releases of 2021
Was this the biggest year in Canberra music? Our favourite local releases of 2021
“I’m giving this 12 months” Mikah Freeman Interview on Academy Nightclub
Mustard Flats sat down with Mikah Freeman from The Aston Shuffle to talk about the Academy years.
The evolution of Canberra’s first superclub and its impact on a generation
OUT NOW | Most Canberrans have an Academy story, now hear Academy’s one.
Watch T-Pain react to Kirklandd’s Knowbody music video
Looks like the 700 takes paid off for Canberra's very own Kirklandd as T-Pain reacts to his music video.
How Canberra’s fashion resellers have looked after local hypebeasts during lockdown.
Treat yourself before you wreck yourself in lockdown. More on Canberra resellers innovating and adapting through COVID shutdowns here.
Special Events - Winter Rhythm Locked Down
Live lockdown music brought to you by Cultura Clandestino + mustardflats.com
Book Club 2nd Edition - The Four Agreements
The 2nd Edition of the Open Sauce Book Club is going live soon. We are reading The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. First published in 1997, the book has sold over 9 million copies in the US and been endorsed by the likes of Oprah and Joe Rogan.
“If you are interested in hydrogen and helium” Lyrical Science Part 2
Are we all made of stars? What keeps the planets spinning? Is there life on Mars?
Canberra’s best blogs and podcasts you should know about.
These are the best places to find the capitals underground music, arts and lifestyle news and entertainment in our opinion.
Open Sauce Book Club
Welcome to the only online book club where you can talk books with Canberra creatives in a live, fully produced studio stream. Find out everything you need to know here.

“He was truly prolific, ‘gifting’ such as huge amount of art all around Canberra”
Houl | Artist
The Lasting Legacy
of Abyss607
A Mustard Flats Photo Essay