How Canberra’s fashion resellers have looked after local hypebeasts during lockdown.
And why Instagram has become the best place to score your local iso goods.
While stuck at home something simple like fine tuning the fit can make a big difference to your mental health. Retail therapy has long been part of a healthy lifestyle for many but with all retail stores closed in Canberra during lockdown it’s become harder to get your daily dose.
We spoke to 3 of Canberra’s finest drip establishments about their experience through lockdown and how they are keeping the population safe and looking fresh.
Nostalgia Storeroom
Instagram: @nostalgiastoreroom
About: Canberra based vintage clothing business
Where to cop:
Lost Vintage
Instagram: @lost__vintage
About: Curated boutique w/ vintage pre-loved, upcycled clothing
Where to cop: 27 Lonsdale St, Braddon
Limitive Supply
Instagram: @limitive
About: The community’s sneaker plug
Where to cop: Instagram
Canberra’s independent clothing stores and sole traders (pun intended) have been providing a valuable service through the pandemic. Though not deemed essential some would argue shopping is a vital part of lockdown life by offering some iso distraction and a mood boost (In moderation of course). In lockdown they have had to abandon physical for digital showrooms and in doing so changed the way they do business.
“I couldn’t just meet up with anyone at any place to exchange the sneakers all the time so I brainstormed ways I could still operate the business without any risks.” Limitive Supply
“At first, lockdown was tough. It was a sudden change and I felt it was easy to become unmotivated. I’m the only person running Nostalgia so it was tough because I don’t really have someone else to really push me. Before lockdown, I would be able to go out to shoot promo videos and photos to advertise my products. So as a result, I can’t market it as well.” Nostalgia Storeroom
BTS Nostalgia Storeroom Shoot
“We’ve had to learn to move quick on new ideas with all the lockdowns, fires and everything else that’s been thrown our way over the last 2 years!” Lost Vintage
What these service providers have built is an online fashion community which is not just a store but a place to share the joys of a purchase more broadly. By interacting through instagram stories they have managed to bring back some of what’s lost in the regular online shopping experience.
“I think shopping online is much less interactive and less personal than shopping in-store and seeing things in person, trying them on & making a day of it with friends or family is important” Lost Vintage
Instagram Stories allows a back & forth and lets businesses share the customers experience after the sale. Lost Vintage and Limited Supply have used the medium to post products and offer auction style deals or ‘first in best dressed’ by way of DM. This creates a buying experience that goes beyond the checkout cart.
“The thing we hear most is that our interactive way of selling via Instagram Stories has made lockdown and sitting at home more exciting and more fun for people! People seem to enjoy the race and the competition of it all. ”
“These methods (Instagram) actually helped me become more efficient as I could sell shoes faster and conveniently have it delivered to my customer’s door.” Limitive Supply
For customers having this direct link to dealers means advice and information flows more naturally. And means their reactions, looks and how they are using the products can be shared with the store and then shared with the community on Instagram.
People have also enjoyed shopping locally for this very reason, the feeling of being connected to the local scene, trends and community gives a real cultural experience rather than just a transaction. That's what the big retailers have not been able to do at a local level and why it’s so important to have that local plug.
The local support in Canberra is always overwhelming and surprising. The desire to support local has grown because people can see lockdowns closing small local businesses all around Australia. Lost Vintage
It’s this and the government cheques that have seen goods flying off the virtual shelves.
“I think this may be due to more people updating their wardrobe for their ‘back from lockdown’ fit by shopping more online with the help of government benefits” Limitive Supply
“I know a lot of people are getting disaster payments, which is so dope. I reckon they’re definitely loving that part of retail therapy during lockdown!” Nostalgia Storeroom
Making the most of lockdown has also meant focus can be turned to new projects.
I have a lot of plans in the works for Nostalgia Storeroom, much more than I would’ve had if we were not in lockdown. I’m currently working and designing some tees for my own line, “The Nostalgia Collection”. I'm real hyped for that and can’t wait for that to go out to the public. Nostalgia Storeroom
With restrictions slowly easing and click & collect now returning it’s hoped that people can return to the old school shopping experience soon but some of the virtual innovations will stay according to these businesses. Ultimately for now they are just keen to get products to the people any way they can.
“I am able to get them a shoe that they might love and for sneaker lovers like me, nothing can beat the joy of receiving a new package at your door”. We give that little bit of joy and anticipation for you to rock some new kicks once lockdown is over.”
Including photos thanks to Limitive Supply, Nostalgia Storeroom & Lost Vintage