Claire Warren & Beniah Colbourn Podcast #3

You have probably seen Beniah Colbourn’s work on a wall or shop window around town, his unique style has become the unofficial gig poster of Canberra music. His influence is also felt behind the scenes as an artist manager, promoter, Unearthed Super User and his work with Homegrown Sounds. 

Claire’s work with 35mm photography and medium format processes have earned countless prizes and been recognised in publications around Australia. Particular favourites here at the Flats are album covers for Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers, Sputnik Sweetheart and Hope Wilkins.

Both visual creatives are regularly collaborating together and arguably shaping the look of Canberra music. 

Check out their work here:

Website ep 3 Thumb.jpg

@namelessjr & Sameer Batsh Podcast #4


Tommy Balogh & Harry Chalker Podcast #2